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Monday, August 3, 2015

Labor Law Factors in Foreign Direct Investment: A Preliminary Comparison between Brazil and China

姜朋**    -   丽吉娅·毛拉·科斯塔***    -   陈涛涛**** 


Labor Law Factors in Foreign Direct Investment: A Preliminary Comparison between Brazil and China

By   Peng JIANG,    Ligia Maura COSTA   Taotao CHEN

Abstract: In foreign direct investment, the huge gap of legal environment between the home country and the host country usually confuses the investing companies. Taking Brazil as an example, its complex labor legislation is quite different from China. Therefore, the companies based in China have to face great challenges when making direct investment in Brazil. This paper focuses on the comparison of these two countries’ legislation systems on labor, the applicable employees and their statutory labor rights, as well as the relative issues that are important to the enterprises, in order to provide the beneficial introduction and reference to Chinese enterprises and smooth their investments.

Key words: labor law; labor protection; direct investment; Brazil; China

Available at Journal of International Economic Cooperation

** 清华大学经济管理学院副教授。
*** 巴西Fundacao Getulio Vargas大学商学院教授。
**** 清华大学经济管理学院教授。


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