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Sunday, May 31, 2020

COVID-19 and The New World Order: Perspectives from Brazil

The ongoing pandemic is testing the quality of governance in countries around the globe and raising questions about the role of elected officials in serving community goals. Crises can serve as opportunities for positive social change, but also entail risks around security and social turmoil, geopolitics, human rights, rule of law, inequalities and food security, among others. They also set apart great leaders, from average ones.  Join Northeastern for a special series on the impact of COVID-19 around the world. We will leverage our global network to explore risks, challenges and good practices for preparedness, responsiveness, effectiveness and responsibility in dealing with the public health and economic crisis, and what the future holds in a post-pandemic world. Our second session will focus on Brazil. Lead and moderated by Dr. Nikos Passas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, joined by Jorge Pontes, former Federal Police Chief and Ligia Maura Costa, a tenured Professor of Law and Executive Director of the research center FGVethics at Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - Fundação Getulio Vargas a, who will discuss how COVID-19 has impacted governance and crime in Brazil. Don't miss this opportunity to get a front seat into conversations about what's next. Register 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Webinar. Integridade e Compliance nos Tempos da COVID-19

Dia 26 de maio às 11h00, vou conversar com Pedro Ruske, Diretor de Promoção da Integridade na CGU e Carlos Eduardo Gouvêa, Presidente Executivo da Câmara Brasileira de Diagnóstico Laboratorial e Assessor de Relações Institucionais do Instituto Ética Saúde sobre os impactos da Covid-19 no combate à corrupção. hashtagintegridade hashtagcorrupcao hashtagcompliance hashtagcgu hashtagcovid19. Inscrições: