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Monday, December 16, 2019

Bate-Papo FGV l Ética e compliance nas empresas, com Ligia Maura Costa

Com o advento dos grandes escândalos de corrupção corporativos, uma palavra entrou no dicionário das empresas: compliance que, em uma tradução para o português, é “estar em conformidade”. As companhias brasileiras estão investindo pesado em adoção de códigos de conduta e treinamento para as empresas. Muitas vezes, um ato negligente pode significar o fim de um negócio promissor. Confira no #BatePapoFGV a entrevista com a professora Lígia Maura Costa, coordenadora do FGVethics da FGV EAESP.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Workshop on Business Integrity and Ethics

On Friday August 9, 2019 FGVethics hosted a Workshop on Business Integrity and Ethics at FGV EAESP. The aim of this Workshop was to promote mainly for professors the Business Integrity and Ethics Module 11 developed by the United Nations Office Against Corruption (UNODC) for the Education for Justice (E4J) project. This module has been translated into Portuguese and recommended readings and cases where adapted to the Brazilian context, when it was possible. Thus, based on the Business Integrity and Ethics Module developed by UNODC/E4J, the workshop was fully taught, discussed and debated in Portuguese language.
UNODC/E4J initiative is part of the Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration. Module 11 Business Integrity and Ethics forms part of the E4J University Module Series on Integrity and Ethics. The full range of E4J University Module Series on Integrity and Ethics is composed by 14 Modules. Besides integrity and ethics, the E4J initiative has modules on criminal justice, anti-corruption, organized crime, trafficking in persons/smuggling of migrants, firearms, cybercrime, wildlife, forest and fisheries crime and counterterrorism.
All E4J university modules brings teaching guide, in-class exercises, assessments for students, PPT slides, and other teaching materials and tools.
The public of Workshop on Business Integrity and Ethics was composed by undergraduate and graduate students, professors from FGV EAESP and from other institutions and business practitioners.  
Most of discussions of the Workshop were about ethical and non-ethical behaviors and the risks and costs for companies related to the lack of integrity, such as sanctions, brand reputation, employees and customer retention. The Petrobras scandal, dubbed “Operação Lava Jato” (or “Car Wash Investigation” in English), is, until today, the largest corruption probe in Brazil’s history and probably the largest scandal at the global level. As it seems far away near the end, the debate turned to recent developments of the Car Wash Investigation and its impact in the Brazilian society. What were the causes for Petrobras to ignore its Code of Ethics? There is no sign that the Car Wash investigations will change the conduct and mentality of many Brazilian politicians that still believe that corruption and lack of integrity grease the wheels of the country. The Petrobras scandal increased Brazilian’s society frustration with political parties and politicians, and the institutions in general, in particular the supreme court.
Professor Ligia Maura Costa, director of FGVethics was the guest speaker and the workshop mediator. As speaker, Professor Costa has explained how the educational tools of  the Business Integrity and Ethics Module 11 UNODC/E4J are useful for an innovative approach for the study of business ethics.
Lessons learned from the Workshop were important for participants to understand that dishonesty and unethical behavior represent serious threats to the basic principles and values, undermining public confidence in the country.