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Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Heat: Brazil at a Crossroads

The Heat: Brazil at a Crossroads

CCTV America entrevista sobre Dilma, impeachment, Zika etc. irá ao ar hoje às 21h00. O link é

The full program and the interview regarding Dilma, impeachment, Zika etc will air tonight at 6pm EST which is 9pm Brazil time. Watch on Live Stream:

Friday, January 8, 2016


Is Business Ethics Just Talk?

Why “good companies” go off the fences? 

What drives upstanding corporate managers over the edge?

These questions are more opportune than ever and are quite fascinating and worrisome. General working conditions, profitability and status no longer define a good company, with the generally agreed observation that a company’s ethical approach is more than likely to be taken into consideration in the new paradigm of a “good company”. The integration of ethics and corporate responsibility may be a challenge. However, what is essential is not necessary easy to achieve.

Full article available at Council on Business & Society