For instance, there is no discrimination between foreign investors and local
investors in Russia .
Expropriation of foreign investment is prohibited by Russian legislation,
except in cases of public interest. And, there are no specific legal restrictions
on the repatriation of capital by foreign investors or remittance of profits
and limitations to FDI in Russia
are established by federal laws, in particular for strategic entities (42
sectors are considered of strategic importance). There are other restrictions
to FDI based on the protection of the Russian constitutional system, the
morality, the health and rights of individuals or to guarantee state security
and defense.
legislation makes a clear distinction between public and private foreign
investor. For example, prior authorization is required – or in certain cases
post-transaction approval – for foreign private investors carrying out
transactions in a strategic entity. Regardless if it is a strategic or
non-strategic entity, prior government approval is required for public foreign
investor carrying out transactions to acquire over 25 per cent of a Russian
legal entity or to block decisions of the governing bodies of a Russian company. In addition, any foreign investment - public or private - of over 50 million rubles and ∕ or the acquisition of 50 per cent of a Russian entity require previous government approval. Foreign investments in the financial sector and in non-commercial organizations
such as charities, scientific and religious associations are subject to specific
In brief, any transaction executed in
breach of federal or local laws of the Russian Federation is deemed null
and void. If the status quo is not possible to be obtained, the foreign investor will lose all voting rights related to the transaction deemed null and void. It
is clear that Russia
and its current legal framework still presents challenges for foreign investors
but the country also shows great opportunities to invest.