recent years, many foreign investors are attracted by the large Brazilian
market and the economic growth of the country. Besides that, the fact that Brazil will
host the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics has also been an important decision
making vector for investors. However, before investing in Brazil, it is
important to get acquainted with some legal aspects related to foreign direct
investments (FDI) in the country. It is true that all forms of FDI are welcome
by the Brazilian Constitution, but especially FDI that represents a commitment
to economic development. A number of limitations and restrictions to foreign
capital for some specific sectors do apply as per the Brazilian Constitution,
such as defense and air transport related matters, among others. Expropriation
of domestic or foreign investment is prohibited by the Brazilian Constitution,
except in exceptional cases such as public interest. Since 1995, Brazilian
Constitution places no difference between domestic and foreign capital.
main legal statute governing foreign investments in Brazil was enacted in 1962,
more than forty years ago (Law n. 4,131, as amended by Law n. 4,390 of 1964,
both regulated by Decree n. 55,762 of 1965). It is a positive point for
investors the fact that the most important law on FDI in the country has been
in force for so long time and has not suffered substantial changes during these
last years.
control and foreign investment policies in Brazil are established by the
National Monetary Council (Conselho Monetário Nacional), under the
supervision of the Ministry of Finance. And, the supervision of the day-by-day
control over foreign capital inflows and outflows is performed by the Brazilian
Central Bank (Banco Central do Brasil – BACEN).
prior government authorization neither minimum investment approval nor local
participation condition is required for FDI – apart for few exceptions such as
financial institutions, insurance companies, and similar entities under the
regulatory authority of BACEN. No government approval or consent is required
for remittance of profits abroad, as long as the company does not have a negative
net equity. No minimum period is imposed by Brazilian law to repatriation of
foreign capital. As per Brazilian legislation, BACEN may limit or prohibit
remittances of profits and capital repatriation in case of serious balance of
payment difficulties. This exception, however, has never been applied by the
country not even during the 1980s Brazilian moratorium.
most common form of FDI in Brazil
is in cash capital. Certain restrictions and a rigorous control apply to FDI in
assets such as goods, machinery and equipment. FDI has to be registered with
BACEN online electronic system called RDE-IED (Registro Declaratório
Eletrônico de Investimentos Externos Diretos – Electronic Registration
System for Cross-Border Financial Transactions) within 30 days of the date that
the cash capital enters Brazil
or within 90 days of customs clearance for assets capital contributions. Foreign
capital registration is done in the same currency that has entered the country
or in the currency of the residence of the investor for foreign capital in the
form of assets.
legal framework for FDI in Brazil
is by far quite stable until now, especially if compared with the other three
BRIC countries (Russia, India and China). It is a proof of legal
certainty and assurance for investors. Besides, the electronic registration
system of FDI, mainly cash capital, is easy, fast and efficient. Thus, the
bureaucratic problems that investors and locals usually face when doing
business in Brazil
do no actually apply regarding FDI registration procedures. This is also a very
positive point for investors. FDI in Brazil may play a leading role to
improve industry diversification, generating employment and strengthening the
economic local system in order to assist the country to be ready for the two
major world events: the 2014’s World Cup and the 2016’s Olympic Games.
Ligia Maura Costa.
Partner at Ligia Maura
Costa, Advocacia, full professor at FGV-EAESP. Author of the book: BRIC. Doing Business in BRIC Countries. Legal Aspects. (2012). v.
1, São Paulo:
Quartier Latin.